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Mardi Gras Punch

This punch is so easy to make and taste really yummy!


Lemon Lime Soda

Grape Soda

Pineapple Juice

Sliced Lemons


Pour the lemon lime soda, grape soda, and pineapple juice into a punch bowl. Mix it up and add your sliced lemons and limes. (I sliced my lemons and then froze them before adding them to the punch that way you won’t have to add ice and water down the punch!)

Cooking Tips


Remember, y'all, it’s all about the prep. Take away the stress by doing the prep the night or day before. 


For best results when you're baking, leave butter and eggs at room temperature overnight.



When chopping herbs, toss a little salt onto the cutting board; it will keep the herbs from flying around.


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