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Crispy Broccoli

I'm not a big fan of broccoli, but this broccoli is to die for!

Crispy Broccoli


4-5 pounds of Broccoli

Olive oil

1 ½ tsps. Salt

½ tsps. Pepper

2 tsps. Minced garlic


Preheat the oven to 425.

Cut the broccoli into florets (relatively big ones.) Put the broccoli on a foil lined cookie sheet. Toss with olive oil, salt, pepper and minced garlic.

Roast in the oven 20 to 25 minutes, until crisp-tender and the tips of some of the florets are browned.

Cooking Tips


Remember, y'all, it’s all about the prep. Take away the stress by doing the prep the night or day before. 


For best results when you're baking, leave butter and eggs at room temperature overnight.



When chopping herbs, toss a little salt onto the cutting board; it will keep the herbs from flying around.


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