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Acorn Donut Holes

I made these acorn donut holes for my work's Thanksgiving food day this year. I thought they turned out really cute and they are very easy to assemble.


Donut holes


Chocolate Sprinkles

Pretzel Sticks


Put your Nutella and chocolate sprinkles in separate bowls.

Dip the top portion of the donut hole in the Nutella. Then dip the nutella portion in the chocolate sprinkles. The last step, is to stick half of a pretzel stick in the center of the donut hole.

Cooking Tips


Remember, y'all, it’s all about the prep. Take away the stress by doing the prep the night or day before. 


For best results when you're baking, leave butter and eggs at room temperature overnight.



When chopping herbs, toss a little salt onto the cutting board; it will keep the herbs from flying around.


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